Family Law
Family Law

Specialist Advice on Family, Relationship and Children-Related Matters

Are you or your client facing a family-related dispute? At such a sensitive time, it’s important to have access to straightforward, common-sense advice, but equally important that the advice comes with compassion and an empathetic approach. At Imperium Chambers, we have over the past two decades supported many individuals through a host of family-based disputes. Our experience across all areas of family law is extensive, and we have specialist family law barristers ready to stand by you as we work together and find the best possible solution to the issues you face. As barristers, we are able to personally represent you at every step, from the initial advice through to any hearings at any level of the court, appeals and judicial review system. This provides a reassuring level of consistency, so you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll be supported by someone with a complete understanding of your case throughout.

How we can help you

Our specialist family law barristers have specific expertise in a range of family law disciplines, including: Financial Law
  • UK and international divorce
  • Judicial separation
  • Financial proceedings and settlements
  • Civil partnerships
  • Prenuptial agreements
Children Law
  • Child arrangements
  • Maintenance matters
  • Relocation outside the jurisdiction
  • Prohibited and Specific Steps orders
  • Child abduction
  • Special guardianship
  • Parental alienation
  • Care proceedings
Further specialisms
  • Domestic violence
  • Injunctions
  • Cohabitation disputes
  • Fact-finding hearings
If you or your client is involved in an international family dispute, our global connections will allow us to act swiftly and seamlessly on your behalf, including in highly charged cases such as those involving children being taken abroad without consent.

Looking for confidential advice on a family law matter? Contact Imperium Chambers today.

For the help you need, please complete our confidential enquiry form, or telephone us on 0207 242 3488 for immediate attention.
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