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The Windrush Scheme and Claiming Compensation

Have you or your client been affected by the Windrush scandal?

Whilst the Government has finally admitted that the thousands of people who arrived in the UK from Caribbean countries as British subjects between 1948 and 1973 were not actually illegal immigrants or undocumented migrants, and that they have the legal right to remain in the UK as British citizens, the scandal is far from over, and many of those affected are yet to receive justice and the compensation to which they are entitled.

The Windrush Scheme

The Windrush Scheme has been put in place to allow those settled in the UK but lack the documents to prove it, to apply for documentation that will allow them to live and work here.

The Windrush Compensation Scheme has also been set up to allow those who suffered losses because they were unable to show they had the right to live in the UK to claim compensation. Losses could be things such as being unable to work, find a place to live or claim medical treatment.

How Imperium Chambers can help

If you or your client, like many in this situation, is finding it difficult to navigate the Government’s guidance around the Windrush Scheme, or have come across challenges in applying for compensation, the expert team of immigration barristers here at Imperium Chambers are here to help you.

We fully appreciate the sensitivity of this situation and are eager to do what we can to resolve your immigration situation, and help you claim any compensation to which you may be entitled. Please do get in touch to discuss your individual situation.

Victim of the Windrush scandal? Need help obtaining British citizenship or claiming compensation? Contact our immigration specialists today on 0207 242 3488, or complete our enquiry form below.

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