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Global Talent Visas

Applying to Work in the UK via a Global Talent Visa

Those aged 18 or over who are leaders or potential leaders in the field of academia or research, arts and culture, or digital technology, can apply for a Global Talent visa to work in the UK for up to five years at a time.

The application process for a Global Talent visa is highly competitive and very involved, and you can usually only apply if you have successfully applied for an endorsement to prove that you have what it takes to lead in your field, although if you’ve won an eligible award, you may be able to apply without an endorsement.

Expert guidance with your application for this type of visa will considerably enhance your chances of a successful outcome. At Imperium Chambers, our immigration specialists have extensive experience in supporting applicants through the process of obtaining leave to work in the UK, including through the Global Talent visa.

About the Global Talent visa

The Global Talent visa was introduced with a view of presenting the UK’s skills market to world leaders in their respective fields.

If you or your client is applying via the endorsement route, eligible endorsing bodies for this visa include:

  • The Royal Society for Science and Medicine
  • The Royal Academy of Engineering
  • The British Academy
  • Tech Nation
  • Arts Council of England
  • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
  • British Fashion Council
  • Royal Institute of Architects
  • Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT)

If you or your client is applying using the eligible award route, then you will need to check which prizes will qualify you.

The advantage of this visa is that it opens up access to the UK labour market, without needing any form of financial investment. It can also lead to indefinite leave to settle in the UK within three or five years, depending on which field you work in and how you apply. This gives you the right to live, work and study in the UK for as long as you wish, and apply for benefits if you are eligible.

There is no limit as to how long you can remain in the UK in total under a Global Talent visa. However, you will need to extend your visa once it expires, but you get to choose whether to extend from anything between one and five years.

Your partner and children can apply to join you or stay in the UK as your dependants if they are eligible.

There is a charge to apply for the Global Talent visa, which will vary depending on whether you apply based on an endorsement, or an eligible award. Extra charges apply when including partners and / or children on the application.

How Imperium Chambers can help

Applying for a Global Talent visa can be very rewarding, but the process can be complex. Not all applications are accepted.

At Imperium Chambers, we’ll make sure you or your client meet all the necessary criteria for a successful application, including helping you obtain your endorsement if that’s the route you’re taking. We’ll be there every step of the way throughout your application, including representing you in an appeal against any refusal if necessary.

If it turns out that you are your client are not eligible for a Global Talent visa, we can help you find other ways to work in the UK and assist you with the appropriate visa application.

Need help applying for a Global Talent visa? Contact our immigration specialists today on 0207 242 3488, or complete our enquiry form below.

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